Transforming strategy into ICT action
Here’s our summary of another engagement we enjoyed, working with Medical Assurance Society to transform strategy into action.
Medical Assurance Society knew it was time to revisit its ICT strategy and create a new plan. The Society asked Hunter Group to undertake a stocktake of its existing processes and technology and help it work through how technology could support its business strategy, within a changing business environment.
Hunter Group documented the business drivers and business strategy for the Society, as well as exploring current business processes and the opportunities and risks facing the Society. Combining this internal
understanding with knowledge of the technology landscape and financial services sector, the Hunter Group established a shared vision of the desired future state for the Society, including ICT support requirements.
Based on this thorough understanding and shared vision, the Hunter Group developed and presented an ICT strategy document that clearly explained the link between business strategy and proposed ICT investment, and gave a detailed plan for how to get to the desired future state. The implications of not taking the recommended action were also made clear.
Medical Assurance Society is now part way through a multi-year
implementation of the recommended plan. In order to grow its business and remain cost effective, the Society is transforming the way it interacts with clients and its internal processes.
Transforming strategic thinking into concrete action is a challenge shared by many chief executives and their senior management teams. An appropriately experienced and independent consultant can provide an external perspective and specialised skills, as well as the time required to plan a sensible path.