Building a business case for a significant investment
Here we outline how our consultant worked with the Hawke's Bay District Health Board to build a business case that accurately captured the need for new facilities.
The Hawke's Bay District Health Board was looking to replace existing facilities for mental health care provision. The level of investment and the requirement for capital from central Government meant a business case was required, which needed to conform to the NZ Treasury Better Business Case standard.
Through the process of developing a business case, Hunter Group
worked with the Hawke's Bay District Health Board to define the scope more accurately, incorporating wider changes and improvements in service delivery, largely driven by the concurrent development of a Model of Care for mental health services in the Hawke's Bay district.
The evolving scope required careful engagement with a broad range of stakeholders over an extended period. The business case itself was drafted by the Hunter Group consultant, utilising input from Hawke's Bay District Health Board personnel wherever possible.
The Hunter Group consultant’s depth of understanding of the health sector and, more broadly, how to achieve change in service delivery ensured the client fully explored the issues and solutions. This was crucial to delivery of a meaningful, well evidenced, and ultimately successful business case.