Investment logic mapping (ILM)
Clearly understanding the opportunities and challenges facing an organisation is a key early step in identifying solutions and agreeing how to invest precious resources.
Investment Logic Mapping (ILM) is part of a suite of tools and practices that support strategy development and planning. The ILM process brings the right people together in a small number
of facilitated workshops where they assess needs and determine the best way forward. The workshops take a structured and time-limited approach that focuses on desired benefits to determine and quantify the best option available.
ILM can be helpful at all levels, from a review of a team’s workplan or a decision about a single investment initiative, to a whole-
of-organisation decision that refocuses the organisation’s direction. Effective strategic assessment and Investment Logic Mapping is heavily dependent on the skill and experience of the ILM facilitator. Hunter Group has a particular strength in workshop facilitation.
Amongst the team is Sylvia Meakin, New Zealand’s first Accredited ILM Facilitator.